The rising Cost of Living is squeezing household budgets. If you are experiencing financial hardship, have rent arrears, or are dealing with debt, you should get help as soon as possible. You can get free and impartial advice and support from a range of places including a number of voluntary sector led schemes available in County Durham that are able support to those in need.
Community Support
East Durham Trust, Durham Christian Partnership & Citizens Advice County Durham are working together alongside other key partners, in taking a collaborative approach to ensure that people in need across the County can access a wide range of advice, guidance and support. For full details of this support see link below.
Energy Support
Anyone struggling with gas and electricity bills or who is worried about heating their home, should contact their supplier in the first instance.
If your supplier doesn’t provide the advice you need, you can get support from providers locally.
Citizens Advice County Durham
Citizens Advice County Durham have an Energy Advice Team who can support with matters including:
- Emergency fuel vouchers
- Energy debt advice
- Priority Services Register
- Warm Home Discount
- Supplier queries – switching, what happens if they go bust, how to find your energy supplier
- Energy bill queries – full breakdown, back billing, what to do if you’re owed money and how to dispute an energy bill
- Energy grants and schemes information
- Your rights explained – complaints, scams and compensation
- Energy efficiency hints / tips – how to reduce your bills
- Maximising income
Call Adviceline 0808 278 7821, Monday to Friday, 9.00am-4.00pm
Energy Efficiency
Due to recent rises in energy costs, many of us are trying to reduce our energy use. Durham County Council’s Warm Homes Campaign is a one-stop referral system for owner occupiers in County Durham. They offer advice and help to access energy efficiency grants for a warmer home and lower energy bills.
They can also arrange a Managing Money Better appointment, to provide energy efficiency advice to help reduce your energy bills.
Durham County Council’s Managing Money Better Service can give you free and impartial advice to help you save money on your energy bills and keep your home warm. If you are a homeowner or a private tenant and have a low annual income, find out if you are eligible for support by contacting us for more information.
Tel: 03000 268 000 Monday to Thursday 8.30am-5.00pm, Friday 8.30am-4.30pm
Or via email
Warm Homes Discount
Energy companies must, by law, offer extra help to their most vulnerable customers during the winter months. If you’re a pensioner, or you’re on a low income, you could qualify for a rebate of £150. Find out more and check whether you qualify at Warm Home Discount scheme